The Unity Project
Over 100 people converged beside the Cobourg Farmer's Market on Saturday, September 14 for the Unity Project, a life-size art installation revealing our community's diversity and interconnectedness.
The event was hosted by the Haliburton, Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland Drug Strategy and Green Wood Coalition to highlight the strengths of this community, in light of concerns over drug use and overdose deaths.
“This isn’t a downtown problem, or a problem for one sector of society. It’s across the spectrum. We need to educate the community. We need to come together to address this crisis.” - David Sheffield, Green Wood Coalition Community Director Front-line responders, health and social service professionals, community outreach workers and individuals with lived experience of drug use will come together next month for a roundtable discussion about the opioid crisis facing Northumberland County. Green Wood Coalition will be at the table for this first conversation to seek strategies to stop the progression of overdose deaths.