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Green Wood Coalition

For 12 years, David Sheffield, Green Wood Coalition’s Community Director, has spent time with people who walk the dangerous line of drug dependency to cope with physical and emotional pain. David describes the “perfect storm” that’s now killing people in our community in an op-ed inspired by the recent Opioid Roundtable in Cobourg.

“Over-prescribing of opioids, shifts in the economy, stigmatization and lack of treatment options for mental health and dependency, along with increasing unaffordability of housing all contribute to daily desperation for many,” he writes.

If you care about the crisis facing our community, click here to read about the “four pillar approach” David says can help.

[Thanks to Northumberland United Way for their support for Green Wood's addiction recovery outreach and Redpath program.]

Around the Table Paella Party for Ten

Inspired by warm Spanish nights where friends gather to share stories and feast on traditional paella prepared over an open fire, we offer a complete full course meal for up to ten friends, catered at your own home. This delicious meal, made with top quality, locally sourced ingredients and a dash of fun, will be prepared and served by hospitality educator and Cultivate Festival co-founder, Jeff Bray, and Green Wood Coalition’s Community Director and experienced purveyor of paella, David Sheffield. Thanks to Foragers Farms for their local food support. This package (valued at $750) includes appetizers, paella feast, dessert, wine and flowers— everything but your friends! Around the Table Paella Party to be delivered before November 30, 2019, within 50 km of Port Hope, ON. Tickets: $10 each or 3 for $25 For information:

People across Northumberland, and beyond, are hosting their own Around the Table Dinner Party Charitable donations on the day are made to Green Wood Coalition and Local Food for Local Good. Funds raised will support winter street outreach, food and clothing needs, and addiction recovery programming, right here in Northumberland County. As a host, you register your dinner online and receive a host kit, invitations, cards and other tools. Your dinner party can take any form from a pizza party to a potluck to a Thanksgiving meal with loved ones.

Here’s how to get started:

Register your dinner or party online (Thanksgiving Challenge)

or send an email to

Your fundraiser can take place any time until October 31.

All charitable donations will receive a tax receipt.

For more information and ideas download the Around the Table Dinner Host Toolkit

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