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WARMEST HEARTS OF THE YEAR 2/23/2016 Instead of the expected frigid weather of a night in February, this year's Coldest Night of the Year walk in Port Hope enjoyed some very balmy conditions. The walk is held in nearly a hundred cities across Canada to raise awareness and funds for those in our community who are hungry, homeless and hurting. Thanks to great organizing by Jeff Knott and his team, great fundraising by enthusiastic walkers, and great food supplied by local restaurants, this year's event was a huge success and raised more than the goal of $25,000. Well done, Port Hope!

Tonight, across Canada, nearly 20,000 people will bundle up and head out into the dark in support of the hungry, the homeless, and the hurting. The Coldest Night of the Year is a family-friendly, fundraising and awareness walk being hosted in more than 100 cities, and Green Wood Coalition will host more than 100 walkers in Port Hope, Ontario tonight, beginning at 4 PM.

About 235,000 people used homeless shelters at some point last year, and that doesn’t include the “hidden homeless” who crash with family and friends, or live in their cars. All told, about 3.1 million Canadians are precariously housed, living in crowded, sub-standard housing or in unaffordable housing (meaning more than 30 per cent of their income goes to housing costs), and many of them are one rent payment away from homelessness.

These are some of the reasons we are walking.

Dollars raised here in Northumberland will support Green Wood’s street-level outreach to those who experience difficulty navigating the barriers surrounding housing, income support, healthcare, and food supply.

There is still time to join us for the walk or to support a walker. All the information you need is at

​Thanks to Jeff Knott and his team of volunteers for organizing this year's walk, to talented musicians who will join us later in the evening for some live music, and to local restaurants for cooking up a delicious, end-of-walk "chili fest".

In a study of 22 Canadian rural communities, Jeannette Waegemakers Schiff and Alina Turner researched the dynamics behind rural homelessness and tried to discern what exactly makes it distinct from its urban (and much more visible) counterpart.

So, what's so different about rural homelessness?

5. When disasters hit.

In the past few years, we have witnessed and experienced major weather events and natural disasters across the country. Whether the forest fires, floods, or storms, when disasters hit, vulnerable populations feel the effects keenly - especially in rural communities. The 2011 Alberta Slave Lake fire resulted in massive housing loss and 30% of the population was still without homes in 2014. This points to the importance of considering homelessness in future planning and emergency preparedness work.

Where do we go from here?

Because of the unique circumstances at play, solutions specific to rural homelessness need to be developed that account for these local dynamics. Approaches need to be developed that take on a regional lens as well: accounting for migration, but not solely relying on it as a solution. With leadership, innovation, and strategic use of resources, ending homelessness in rural communities is absolutely possible. Rural Canada is poised to take a leadership role driving the national agenda on homelessness and social innovation.

To read more about proposed solutions to rural homelessness, read Jeannette Waegemakers Schiff and Alina Turner'snational report. Also see Steven Gaetz' blog on the feasibility of Housing First in rural communities.

In a study of 22 Canadian rural communities, Jeannette Waegemakers Schiff and Alina Turner researched the dynamics behind rural homelessness and tried to discern what exactly makes it distinct from its urban (and much more visible) counterpart.

So, what's so different about rural homelessness?

4. The 'migration solution' . One of the strategies used by those who experience homelessness in rural areas is migration to nearby communities or larger cities with better housing, services, employment and education opportunities. In fact, they are encouraged to relocate by their families and friends and support workers; community leaders and public opinion may push "problem individuals" out as well. This is certainly the case for victims of domestic violence who have little choice to escape abusive situations in small communities.

Because larger centres also offer more "anonymity" for those seeking help, migration is often seen as a viable solution. Of course, this requires uprooting from one's home community and losing important social ties and connections.

​Aboriginal migration impacts homelessness in rural communities significantly, particularly where proximity to Aboriginal communities exists and where rural centres act as access points to services and opportunities. This was particularly evident in the case of Aboriginal women, youth and children fleeing violence who sought support in rural communities with available services and shelters.

In a study of 22 Canadian rural communities, Jeannette Waegemakers Schiff and Alina Turner researched the dynamics behind rural homelessness and tried to discern what exactly makes it distinct from its urban (and much more visible) counterpart

So, what's so different about rural homelessness?

3. Keenly felt economic shifts. Because of these dynamics, when major economic shifts occur, such as a new recreation resort opening or oil and gas activity, a rural community's service and housing infrastructure is much less elastic to mitigate these changes.

This is why we hear of reports of spikes in homelessness in communities like Estevan, SK or Kitimat, BC where economic activity has spurred housing costs to spike, pricing out lower income households. With the opportunity of jobs, migration to these communities increases - further straining services and housing.

​When social infrastructure isn't planned and delivered in a coordinated fashion with economic development, strain on vulnerable rural populations can result in housing instability and homelessness: even street homelessness.

In a study of 22 Canadian rural communities, Jeannette Waegemakers Schiff and Alina Turner researched the dynamics behind rural homelessness and tried to discern what exactly makes it distinct from its urban (and much more visible) counterpart.

So, what's so different about rural homelessness?

2. A strained housing and service infrastructure. Bigger communities often note the lack of affordable housing and essential supports (mental health, addictions, domestic violence services, etc.) to be a major challenge in addressing homelessness. In rural centres, this issue is even more acute. There simply isn't enough funding and service capacity to offer diverse supports needed. When it comes to assisting homeless persons with complex addictions and mental health issues, these communities have to point people to move to larger centres. Many rural communities don't have formal rental sectors, never mind affordable housing stock. Transportation, especially in remote communities, complicate access further - some towns simply don't have any public transportation whatsoever; some are only reachable by propeller plane.

Homelessness: it's not the first thing that comes to mind when we think about Canada's rural and remote communities. Our ideas about rurality are often infused with images of idyllic countryside landscapes and close-knit communities. Canada's pioneer past adds an additional element of self-sufficiency and independent spirit. Nevertheless, housing instability and homelessness are emerging as prevalent and even increasing social challenges across Canada's rural communities.

In a study of 22 Canadian rural communities, Jeannette Waegemakers Schiff and Alina Turner researched the dynamics behind rural homelessness and tried to discern what exactly makes it distinct from its urban (and much more visible) counterpart.

So, what's so different about rural homelessness?

1. An invisible, yet diverse and prevalent issue.Every community we talked to reported homelessness to be a challenge - whether it had a population of 500, 5,000, or 15,000. But, those experiencing homelessness were most likely to be hidden: couch surfing, living in makeshift shelter, and camping out were commonly reported. Though hidden, rural homelessness is very diverse: it reaches across the lifespan to children, youth, and seniors; it's experienced by women and men alike, newcomers and Aboriginal people; it's experienced by low income individuals with and without addiction or mental health issues, or facing domestic violence. Of course, the total numbers of homeless are much lower in small communities - which make the issue less visible as well. This impacts public recognition and action to address the issue. When you don't see homelessness, it's easier to deny it exists and it's easier to push it to the bottom of the community agenda.

1/31/2016 ​This is going to be good...

​Imaginate 2016

Thursday, April 28, 2016

7:00 PM

[with reception to follow]

The Capitol Theatre

Port Hope, Ontario

The third annual IMAGINATE evening will feature short,

TED-style presentations by compelling speakers

and performing artists,

as well as a visual art exhibition.

HOW TO HELP 1/30/2016 You care and you want to help change things for the hungry, homeless and hurting in your community--but don't know where to start. Start with Coldest Night of the Year on Saturday, February 20. A walk on a cold winter night that will allow you a glimpse of what it feels like to be shut out, while at the same time raising much-needed funds to help Green Wood Coalition bring change to the lives of more people.

Green Wood is pleased, once again, to partner with To the Root Discussions in presenting a theatre-based workshop project. This 8-week series is built around the complicated relationships that we, individually and collectively, have with eating. The intention of this project, facilitated by Lyss England and Jillien Hone, is to promote healing and storytelling through community and performance--with an open call to anyone wishing be part of creating a piece of performance art built around this theme. There is no cost to participate.

​Tuesday, January 19 - Tuesday, March 1 6:30 - 9:30 PM Green Wood Coalition 18 Ontario St., Port Hope, ON Contact Lyss at

1. 120 walkers walked to fight homelessness. [Coldest Night of the Year Walk]

2. Dancers turned community stories into beautiful movements. [Northumberland Contemporary Dance Collective perform at Imaginate 2015]​

3. We were challenged by the facts of poverty. [Steve Buist speaks at Imaginate 2015]

4. A dedicated group of board members guided our organization through a lot of behind-the-scenes growth. [l-r: Jason Orchard, Kim Orchard, Nell Frair, Kaye Torrie, Heather Roy, Karyn Kennedy]

5. A lot of art was made by a lot of people, straight from the heart. [Weekly creative arts group members work on collective art piece]

6. Many, many meals were enjoyed together. [Celebrating December birthdays at our weekly community dinner, St. John's Hall]

7. Our community garden on Peter Street grew and grew. That growth allowed an experiment in social enterprise--Green Wood Greens booth at Port Hope Farmer's Market. [Ruth and summer student, Josh, stake and tie some tomatoes]

8. First time theatre performers wrote and acted in pieces based on their own, very moving, personal stories. [Performance & Disability workshop series]

9. The eighties hit the golf course for our annual fundraising Greens & Woods Golf Tournament at Cobourg Creek Golf Course.

10. We listened to people who are struggling. [Trent University's Cyndi Gilmer collects personal narratives of homelessness for a unique research project]

11. Thanks to Northumberland United Way's Day of Caring, our community garden received a much needed storage shed. [Cameco and CPK employees volunteer their skills to build a shed, from the ground up, in one half day]

12 The community (individuals, businesses, churches) generously supported our work. [St. Anthony's Catholic Elementary School raised money and put on a community meal for Green Wood]

13. Community 101 became a monthly gathering to engage more deeply with some of the challenges our community faces. [The Health Unit's Kristina Nairn explains Social Determinants of Health factors]

14.Trinity College School's Week Without Walls welcomed members of our community to make art in their beautiful studios. [TCS teacher, Tamara, guides Darlen, John and Gary through a new project]

15. Our community connected with a community in The Ukraine, through story, songs and love. [Mark and Marichka perform Ukrainian folk songs at Imaginate 2015]

16. Students on placement with Green Wood made big contributions over several months. [Trent Nursing student, Carlee, prepares food with Kevin, as part of a project on social change through eating together] 17. Moving our base of operations to a much larger and more welcoming space at 18 Ontario St. has created many new opportunities. 18. Art took to the streets when Green Wood hosted a kids community art project during Slidestreet celebrations. [Kids add their design to our long canvas inspired by circles of connection]

19. Our annual solstice celebration at the community garden was the perfect time to create floral crowns, drum and give thanks for the gifts of the earth.

20. We were often invited to tell our story of community change through honouring the worth of each person. [David Sheffield gave a talk at Port Hope Probus Club]

We're gearing up for another Coldest Night of the Year adventure on Saturday, February 20th, 2016, here in Port Hope. CNOY is Canada's National Walk for Homelessness, a fun, family-friendly walking fundraiser that raises money for the hungry, homeless and hurting in 100+ communities across Canada.

An estimated 150,000 Canadians experience homelessness outside, and hundreds of thousands more face the constant challenge of living right on the edge - adults, youth, families, the elderly - we’re walking for them all on February 20th. People struggling with:

  • living at or below the poverty line

  • addictions or substance abuse

  • community and social support

  • race or gender discrimination

  • access to adequate housing

  • access to adequate food

  • access to employment

  • mental health issues

Each local charity that hosts the WALK in their community is known for their commitment to serving people in need. So that's who we're walking for. People in your community. Neighbours down your street. Kids you see every day. A family member you love. Maybe you? We'd love to exceed last year's count of 150 walkers. If you'd like to join us for Coldest Night of the Year, on February 20, the CNOY site will guide you through sign up (they've made this really easy).​

AN OPEN LETTER 12/10/2015

AN OPEN LETTER 12/10/2015

Dear Neighbours, During the past few weeks, as the Syrian refugee crisis has grown, acquaintances who know that I’m an outreach worker among people struggling with homelessness and other facets of marginalization have been asking me this question: “Why are we Canadians spending our resources to feed and house refugees from the Middle East when we have homeless and disenfranchised people already living around us—shouldn’t they come first?” [Leaving aside an exploration of where this passion to care for our homeless was hiding prior to the current crisis, I focus on the either/or question.] “I have hope,” I tell them. I have hope that there will be a shift in the way we think about “the other”. I have hope that we’ll land on an understanding that makes us act as if we’re one people sharing one earth. That said, I witness the daily struggles of people trying to meet their basic need for food and shelter, having fallen through the cracks of a helping system that is inadequate and inconsistent. Combined with a less than 1% vacancy rate for rentals (most of which are not affordable to a person on social assistance or disability pension) and 5-year waiting lists for rent-geared-to-income apartments, a growing number of people are bunking it in their car, sleeping on a friend’s floor, and in some cases, living outdoors. As an outreach worker, I encounter the most vulnerable population—those who are refugees from early trauma, abuse and neglect, often suffering the effects of their coping strategies, often attempting to become invisible to avoid the stigma of a society that blames them for their current situation. These “domestic refugees” are of no less value than those fleeing violence and trauma in another context. As they should, urgency and timing are dictating prompt humanitarian action on behalf of Syrian refugees who are risking all, leaving every sense of home behind them to escape imminent danger. And there are reasons to believe they are escaping a situation that was aided in its development by North American and European actions--but our shared common humanity should guide our actions, not guilt or perceived responsibility. The task at hand is not a small one, and our definition of shared human experience will be tested in coming weeks. We need new, practical solutions for housing that is affordable and safe. We need political leadership—at all levels—along with grassroots support to values and prioritize the most vulnerable among us. That’s the test. My experience, working at the grassroots level, gives me great hope that we can do this—that we can extend our roof of welcome and our table of generosity to include both kinds of refugees. I’ve seen many examples of our community responding to human needs—both through short-term charitable acts and longer-term structural change. My hope is that as we act with a new awareness and sensitivity toward “the other”, our domestic refugees will be caught up in the wave of solutions being discovered as we welcome Syrian refugees. David Sheffield, Green Wood Coalition

Our art group is incredibly grateful for the opportunity to make art in the state of the art studios at Port Hope's Trinity College School. During the school's annual Week Without Walls service learning event, our crew are offered the chance to learn and experiment with new media and ideas over three days, guided by art teacher Tamara Reay and students. Thanks, TCS!

Community 101 Featured in Northumberland Today​

NORTHUMBERLAND - What started as a Green Wood Coalition initiative of professional development for community members has grown into a "goal to help each other become better neighbours," says Coalition spokesperson David Sheffield. ​Read the article by Valerie MacDonald here.

WE NEED YOU 12/9/2015

Earlier this fall, Green Wood Coalition launched A Time To Grow, our 2015 fundraising campaign. After a great start, a few of our generous supporters — our “Growing Donors” want to challenge you to match their donation. We need your support to continue Green Wood Coalition’s ongoing street-level work with marginalized people in our community. As you may know, we have just moved into a great new space at 18 Ontario Street, in downtown Port Hope. This space will give our programs and community room to grow in many ways. Your donation will make those programs happen. The Growing Donors have contributed $6,500 this fall and would like to issue a challenge to others to donate so that together, we can collectively match or surpass this donation. Here is a quote from one of the Growing Donors:

"I'm supporting Green Wood Coalition because it's a unique grass roots organization that is addressing the needs of a segment of the population that is often ignored. I respect that it's constantly developing creative solutions, and I like that its work appears to be conducted with minimal bureaucracy, utilizing many volunteers, and with a sensitivity to the challenges faced by those with mental health issues, disabilities and problems of poverty. Finally but very important - it is local!"

Together, we can help change lives, locally. Become part of the story today. To give, please visit our website, or a cheque may be sent to Green Wood Coalition P.O. Box 61 Port Hope, ON L1A 2Z2

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