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Historical Blog Archive

It is never too late to tend to deeply buried seeds. To chase the hardened shadow to the source of light. To redeem a sense of loss through an unexpected gift. It does help of course if the conditions are propitious.


During the years of the communist dictatorship in Romania all aspects of culture were subordinate to the Communist Party’s ideology. The censorship apparatus worked day and night, and overtime into a time and space where arrests, institutional purges, terror, corruption were the norm. Private and public reunions were severely restricted and controlled. Few were the adults who had the energy and/or temerity to risk their livelihood or their lives in order to oppose a system that posited the indisputable equation 2+2=5. But WE were not adults yet. WE did not wake at 4 AM to spend hours before work, queuing in darkness and frigid temperatures to ‘receive’ perchance a bag of flour, a few eggs... WE were the insubordinate, the valiant, foolhardy teenagers! WE did not consider the risks as much as we envisioned the gain. WE were not paralyzed by the terror as much as emboldened by the dream. Unceremoniously and tenaciously, undaunted by nagging admonitions we proceeded to found our radical group called The Column. We were ‘radical’ in opposition to a tyrannical regime. From within the core of our group the natural flow of our curious spirits appeared ever so ‘normal’ to us. One of the members had a kitchen large enough to accommodate fifteen adventurous, driven teenagers. This kitchen was to become for some six months the undercover headquarter of our alchemical experiments. I say ’alchemical’ because the brief period that saw our risky venture unfold was indeed trans formative. From the dross of lies and dread to the gold of creative power. The school days had us in tight ideological straight jackets from Monday to Saturday. Sunday was our day of exemption, our day of electric freedom! Chaperoned parties? They could wait! Homework? Who would bother when a much more significant task consumed our time? The Column became our safe hub, our dependable stronghold. Fifteen teenagers assuming each a guiding role in a field of choice, an area of uncensored passion. Art History, Physics, Religion, Ballet, Theatre, Gardening, Poetry, Photography, Philosophy... So self taught and self teaching we explored anything and everything from trying to focus our single pointed attention on the cherry-pattern on the cheap plastic table cover to UFO’s and back... We were witnesses to each others’ quest for understanding, for learning, for sharing. But above all, witnesses for each other in-being, in a dialogical relationship, uncensored, present and grateful. The Column survived the prying eyes of the neighbours and the grim censorship of the Secret Police for nearly half a year. We were found out, summoned to the principal’s office, “commended” on our “scholarly initiative”, rebuked for our recklessness and defiance and given an ultimatum. We could indeed pursue our worthy interests should we agree to hold our meetings at school under adult supervision and electronic surveillance. And so The Column came tumbling down. Like the fallen trunk of a beloved tree. But the roots sustained us for the rest of our formative years. Not long after, we all left our motherland behind and made our way to other lands, more hospitable, our adoptive countries, our other lives. Fast forward some 40 years to a small town called Port Hope in a vast country called Canada. When I was serendipitously directed towards Ontario Street number 18 I knew nothing about Green Wood’s philosophy and/or social mandate. Tables, chairs, exposed brick walls, coffee brewing, art work all around, and a welcoming man, generous with his time and speech. An image of a long forgotten ‘kitchen’ was activated from the recesses of my mind. It’s been now three years since I crossed the threshold into that welcoming space. My ‘membership’ at Green Wood does not entail the risk of radical resistance as did my involvement with The Column. We are now operating within a democratic system, much flawed yet rarely domineering through terror. And although one does not often feel that the supreme power is vested in the people who attend our meetings, we know that the best we give and receive can be sustained through a hopeful action and a non-judgmental togetherness. And, yes, there is always a delicious bowl of soup! I believe it better than the one in the Column Kitchen! Judita Pamfil is an artist, poet, teacher, survivor, friend and inspiration to our weekly art gatherings at Green Wood.

Saturday's Coldest Night of the Year walk, through beautiful Port Hope, was a winner in every way. Thanks to everyone who helped us raise over $50,000 to support our local outreach work.

Congratulations to the top walkers who each brought in more than $1000: Randall Arsenault, Les Robling, Jenn McGuire, Kaye Torrie, Jack Russell, and Walter Hillman.

We couldn't make this work without sponsors like Lauria Auto Group, Emulate Global Printing and our generous suppliers, Basil's Market & Deli, Olympus Burger, Millstone Bread, LA Signs, The Mill Restaurant & Pub, Table & Loft, and Summerhill Manor.

​Thanks to UCB Radio and 89.7 Radio for getting the word out. Amazing work everyone!

​(Photo cred: Lee Higginson)

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COMING UP AT GREEN WOOD 1/28/2018 Feb. 1: Tickets go on sale for IMAGINATE: We All Have a Story! Visit February: Date TBA for Community 101’s 2018 season opening. Watch the website and Facebook page for date, time and place. Feb. 24: Coldest Night of the Year! Fundraising Walk. Visit to register and for local event details. March 23: IMAGINATE: We All Have a Story, one-day conference and Evening of Possibility. Early Bird ticket sale from Feb. 1-16 at

Whether you plan to walk solo, form a team, pledge or volunteer, the fourth annual Coldest Night of the Year in support of Green Wood Coalition is just around the corner.

The February 24th walk in Port Hope is part of a nation-wide movement to raise awareness and money in support of the hungry, homeless and hurting. Port Hope’s walk joins 120 other locations that, since 2011, have raised over $16.5 million nationally for street-level charities. Last year, over 200 people walked the 2.5 or 5 km distance locally, raising over $48,000 for Green Wood.

Event co-director Judy Hone says the event is as much about coming together as a community as it is about raising awareness of homelessness and fundraising. “People have a lot of fun, but it’s also meant to be a bit reflective,” she says. “February 24 is chosen because it’s statistically the coldest night of the year. While we go out in the cold for an hour or whatever it takes to do the walk, this is the reality for very many people. The cold is where they spend most their time.”

As of mid January, the event was on track with this time last year for attracting teams and raising money. Green Wood’s 2018 goal has been set at $42,000. The walk starts and finishes at Port Hope High School, beginning at 4:00 p.m. with registration and check-in and culminating in a chili dinner, courtesy of community donors, from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

For event details and to register to walk, fundraise, volunteer or pledge, visit:

WrapAround Ready to Launch

Five WrapAround facilitators have been trained, participants have been selected, and, this February, Green Wood’s WrapAround Program will get underway.

Funded by Northumberland United Way with coaches from WrapAround Northumberland, the program is reaching out to a small group of individuals with complex needs. Multi-sector teams composed of friends and professionals that the participant trusts will wrap around the person to seek solutions to his or her full spectrum of needs – from addiction, mental illness or physical or emotional challenges to poverty, homelessness and social isolation.

The effectiveness of WrapAround’s innovative, person-centred approach lies in giving people some control back in their life while building on their strengths, not their deficits. Within a year to 18 months, as new resources and practices are put in place, individuals can expect to transition out of the program.

On a Saturday morning a few weeks ago, I found myself sharing coffee with a middle-aged couple in the tent where they had been living for a couple of months. We traded stories and talked about dogs and children, but the fact of their homelessness was weighing on them and they feared the coming cold weather. In spite of having decent, seasonal employment and making some good life choices, they had nowhere to live. They had called us for help because they were stuck.

Sometimes things get stuck. Sometimes you have nowhere to turn when your worst fears drop in your lap. Sometimes you feel like you’re alone with it all. Imagine how that feels.

At Green Wood Coalition we do more than imagine. We walk shoulder-to-shoulder with those who are hungry, homeless and hurting. We focus on the person, not their problems, and work together to find solutions to daily challenges.

Across our county, in large cities and small towns, we are failing the most vulnerable. The current crisis of affordable housing is increasing the pressure on a growing number of families and individuals living at or below the poverty line. They are falling into the gaps between formal services and feel abandoned. Many are forced to choose between food and other necessities in order to pay the rent. They rely on food banks and agency handouts to feed and clothe themselves and their kids. Christmas makes these choices – or lack of choices – worse.

This is why we need your help. Green Wood Coalition is entirely local and relies on community donations. While we are not alone in working to make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable members of our community, we are different than traditional agencies. Green Wood’s outreach model is designed around building relationships, making deep, human connections and allowing people to reach their potential in an atmosphere of trust and respect.

This is an especially hard time of year for those struggling on the margins, those living with poverty, mental illness, addiction, housing and hunger. They feel socially isolated and stigmatized and, because of this, often remain hidden in communities like ours. But when your eyes are open – when you don’t look away – the need is not hard to see.

I’m asking you to consider making a one-time donation at this time or a series of monthly contributions that will help people who are stuck and have nowhere else to turn. With low overhead, Green Wood’s small staff, supported by skilled volunteers, provides street-level outreach, addiction recovery, healing through art, and community awareness and advocacy.

If you would like to have a conversation about donating or supporting our work in another way, please contact me by email at or by phone at 905-269-7610.

Warm regards,

David Sheffield

Community Director, Green Wood Coalition

*Illustration, "Building Community," by Shelby McQuilkin​

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