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Historical Blog Archive

We're excited to introduce our Board of Directors for 2019/20, elected at last night's Annual General Meeting. They are (L-R): Jeff Caine (Secretary), Patricia Sinnott, Phil Redford, Caleb Carisse (Chair), Arlene Howells, Laurie Pratt, Jay Sherwin, Kerri Kightley (Vice-Chair), Peter Nairn (Treasurer).

START WITH WHAT'S STRONG 5/9/2019 WrapAround is a strength-based life planning process that we've been working with, for several years, with valuable results. We're pleased to be able to share this training with others in our community. Thank you to Northumberland United Way for their support of our WrapAround initiative.

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Please join us for our Annual General Meeting, an informal roundup of our 2018 activities, and a glimpse behind the scenes at Green Wood Coalition. An added feature of this year's gathering will be a screening of the short documentatry, The Manitoba Story. The filmmakers reconnected with participants in the Dauphin, MB Basic Income pilot of the 1970s to understand the impact - the stories they uncovered are incredible and they'll have you wondering - why did it take 40 years for them to come to light! Click here to watch the film trailer.


IMAGINATE 2019 was a great success, thanks to the great presenters and artists, hard work by our organizing team and volunteers, and the generosity of our sponsors. ​We sold out both the Daytime Conference and the Evening of Possibility, receiving responses like this from our audience members:​

“What a day! So many stories! So much inspiration, and so many ideas.” “It was such a powerful evening--such outstanding speakers.” “Very strong lineup of speakers, panelists and workshop facilitators, with inspiring and re-charging mix of entertainers. I could have happily attended all the worshops...tough to choose from such a strong list!” “IMAGINATE went far beyond my expectations. Well organized with relevant and current topics.”

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